Drive Magic Download Free Full Version

Free release from Securityxploded Drive Magic for a computer with Windows. This is a command -based tool to quickly hide and protect your units from other computer users. Security and confidentiality. It allows you to hide specific units by letting them not go out to random users. Hidden units are not visible on my computer or any file management tool, so it is an excellent tool for hiding important files and data.

Although this feature may not fully guarantee your data from specific computer pirates, this is a great way to prevent the files shown to be indicated in a shared environment.

Features and Benefits

    • easy to use interface: offers a simple and intuitive interface that facilitates beginner and experienced users to hide or do not unit units without Technical complications.
    • Personalized access control: can customize who can access hidden units. This feature allows you to limit access to specific users or groups, providing fine grain control over hidden content.
    • password protection: for an additional protective layer allows hidden units. This means that even if someone finds the existence of a hidden unit, it will not have access to its contents without the password.
    • Restoration of quick access: If you need to access the contents of a hidden device, it offers a simple process not to do it temporarily. This way you can quickly restore important files when needed.
    • universal use cases: can be used for several scenarios, including receiving confidential working documents on office computers, protecting personal files on shared family computers, or simply supporting more. High privacy level on your personal computer.
    • Data Privacy: This tool can protect your data and maintain your privacy. When you hide the units, you can be sure that your confidential information remains hidden from obscene eyes. ; This makes the device inaccessible to users, ensuring that their files remain safe without consuming additional disk space.

System requirements

    operating system : Windows 7, 8, 10, 11
    • процесор : Intel Multicore или Top Series, Xeon или AMD еквивалент
    • RAM : 2GB
  • < Certain Hard Disk Space : 100 MB or more recommended additional for your files and data. Whether he is an administrator who seeks to protect confidential information in a shared environment or father dealing with his children’s digital activities, he offers a simple and effective solution.

    Drive Magic Download Cracked Version

    Download Cracked Drive Magic

    Download Magic Free Unit for all platforms

    Drive Magic Download Free PC

    Drive Magic Free Download for Windows 11

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